MGCC coronavirus advice from 4th July 2020

A place for the South Coast (Hampshire, IOW, lower Wiltshire) region.

Moderator: mgfSussex

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MGCC coronavirus advice from 4th July 2020

Post by mgfSussex » Thu Jul 02, 2020 12:19 am

The MGCC team at Kimber House HQ have provided a helpful guide setting out how we are all expected to behave when the coronavirus restrictions are eased somewhat with effect from 4th July.

The key passages from the advice are as follows

"At the current time, the MGCC is strongly advising our organisers for regional areas to continue to cancel all social activities and refrain from road runs or any other meets in groups, until further notice.

Please do NOT drive in groups or convoys. It is important that large groups of classic car owners do not congregate in particular areas, such as parks, or places of natural beauty. By all means, use your classic MG individually to drive to the shops or go out for exercise, but only individually.

Please remember, as a club, we are not only ambassadors for the MG Car Club, but also the classic car scene as a whole."

Please read and familiarise yourselves with the requirements at ... -guidance/

Kind regards


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