The original MGF/TF community since 1995
PLEASE NOTE: The MGF Register Online shop and forum are no longer functional. A new shop will be online soon. In the meantime see Latest Posts for details of how to renew FasTForward or order MGF30 teddies and Register clothing.
The MGF Register is the part of the MG Car Club that is dedicated to the MGF and MGTF roadsters – the modern embodiment of the classic MG ethos of affordable, two-seater sports-car motoring!
To join us, simply go to the MG Car Club website and sign up via the
We’re a friendly bunch, and we like to chat so please join our internet forum or seek out one of our social media pages.
You will find many other ways to interact with us including the Register’s Facebook and Twitter feeds along with those of our Regional Groups. As part of the MG Car Club you can also join in with their social media and your local Club Centre.
Register Shop
The MGF Register shop is being rebuilt.but most items can be found on our Ace Online store below:-
MGF25 200HPD talk
Visit the MG Car Club website to join the club and become a part of the MGF Register by clicking the button below:-