Special Awards

Sometimes there are people within the Register who deserve the recognition that is not covered by one of the other categories. The Special Awards are devised to do just that and are in the gift of the Chairman who can choose the recipient directly or from the list of nominations. The trophies themselves vary from year to year and are recorded permanently on this website only (rather than on a permanent trophy plaque).

2005Adrian Clifford and Andrew PhillipsFor their contribution to MGF10
2006John & Colin LeeFor production of the MGF10 video
Bruno VerberckFor organistion of the Day BeFore and Kempenrit 06 plus assistance given to Art Jacks who was involved in a serious accident.
Hakan SigemarkFor founding the MGF Register Sweden and organising the Viking Tour
Art & Christine JacksFor support of the Register despite being involved in the serious accident in Belgium
2007Richard MartinFor continued Register support as Chairman of AWC and for previous roles of Chairman and secretary for the Register.
Daphne WitzelFor founding the MGF register Holland and directorship of MGCC Holland
Phil & Lorna BrindleyFor founding the F Power group and help in Regional Reps development
2008Rob BellFor Chairmanship of Register 2005 to 2008
Emma JackmanFor organisation of club regalia 2005-2008
Claud FinkFor organisation of MGF run from Belgium to Zug for EEOTY.
2009MGFIM TeamFor organisation of the first MGFIM meet in de Emhoff, Netherlands
Stewart GriffithsFor co-ordination of the Star Car Project
2010Ian PogsonFor general assistance to the Register and organisation of Longbridge factory tours
Jon TullyFor services as treasurer despite actually standing down from post!
Keith WilliamsFor services to MGF15 and Regalia online shop
Neil & Barbara RushtonA marque of friendship award for help given to Ken & Jeanette Beresford in Europe after Ken dislocated his shoulder.
2011John & Christine WilsonFor services organising and supporting events, race meets etc and as reps for the South Coast Region
Nigel & Jo MayFor organising the Somerset Shenanigans, developing the Somerset & Dorset region and general help with shows, events etc.
2012Michael Ring and Robert InghamFor setting up the Yorkshire Region and organising the National Event n Ripon
David KoskelaFor all the help he has given the Register over the years both in Sponsorship for the MGFest events and contributions to FastForward magazine. Supporting the Register on the track in the Trophy Championship with the Racing Red Team
2013Adrian Clifford & Dave TynanFor organisation of the Thames Tunnels and Bridges Tour
Simon & Julie DaviesFor saving the day at the last minute and organising the 2013 National Event
Martin SmithFor support of the Register and supply of good quality MGF/TF parts
2014Rob Bell and Anthony PopeFor being the first MGF Register team in the California cup at MG90
Paul & Donna GrayFor organisation of the 2014 National Event in Fleet, Hampshire
Michael BeneckeEven though based in Germany, Michael can be seen at many UK MG shows. The award is presented to him for his input and help through the forum and for his efforts in organising the Niederrhein tours over the years
2015Tim MorrisFor founding, developing and editing the Register’s magazine FasTForward for ten years.
Dave TynanFor work on the register and heritage certificates for members.
James CurgenvenFor supporting the Register’s Internet services despite not being an F/TF owner for several years.
Ian McKenzieFor help in auditing the Register accounts
Keith Williams & Ron KempFor help in organisation of MGF20 – Keith with venue and ticket sales and Ron for traders and sponsors
2016MGCC LuxembourgFor organisation of Tour de Lux and Ardennes meetings
Michael BeneckeFor orgnisation of Niederhein tours and help at Thames Tunnels and Bridges
Michael MurkinFor his services as Register secretary and sticking to the rules!
2017Nigel & Jo MayFor general support of th Register at shows and events plus their own S & D Region
Ian & Angie WrightFor organisation of register events and bringing back an overseas “national” event plus re-introducing the Christmas event.
Colin GrantFor support of the Register whilst working for the club at Kimber House
2018Ron KempFor services as treasurer for the past 6 years
David KoskelaFor continued support and supply of show car plus sponsorship of the MGF Cup 20th Anniversary race.
Keith WilliamsFor continued services in organising the Register’s presence at shows and running the regalia shop
2019Richard MaddoxFor development of the Central Region
Rob HoblynFor revitalising the South Wales Region and for his years of service in the rep role.
2020Neil & Barbara RushtonFor their long-term support of the Register and role as Rep for Lancashire – now retired from the MGF
2021Tim Morris, Nigel May, Ian Wright, Philip Hayward, Michael MurkinPresented to the main organising team of MGF25 for outstanding work on that event
Helen BlakeFor promoting the MGFRegister via her own social media channels
2022David KoskelaFor continued support for the Register through Church Square Autos and supply of cars to exhibit at shows
Alan & Jo BradleyContinued support of the SOuth East Region and organising events
Martyn LucasFor revamping and organising the Register’s presence at shows